selamat petang semua!!! ina cuti hari nie.cuti tersepit.
alang-alang amik cuti hari nie.cuti-cuti pun tak dapat
nak post entry awal.biasa la sibuk dengan si kecik tu.
nie pun dia dah bangun nangis-nangis ingat mak dia
tinggalkan dia.so menu lunch hari hari ini.yfc,yogurt
fried chicken yang memang mabeles and yummy tastenye.

resepi dah lama simpan dalam folder and macam biasa
ramai dah mencubanye.malam semalam terlebih rajin
dah perap semua bahan-bahan for this chicken.just tinggal
goreng je tengahari tadi.nasib ina dah siapkan malam tadi coz
hari nie terlajak bangun lewat.sakit sangat kepala.migrain
x nak bebel banyak,kang ada yang mengamuk.hahahaha

ina nak credit kan l
ove2cook for this yummy and delicious
recipe.love kan peminat setia 'ayam'.hehehe.cam biasa love
i cnp the recipe here..
Ingredients :~
- 1 whole chicken ~ cleaned and cut into medium sizes, drained.
- 1 cup/250ml plain yogurt
- 6 garlic cloves ~ finely pounded
- 2 inches ginger ~ finely pounded
- 1 tbsp paprika powder
- 1 tbsp cayenne powder
- salt to taste
- 2 sprigs of curry leaves
- 1.5 cups wheat flour ( u may also add some rice flour)
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1 tbsp cayenne powder
- 1 tbsp paprika powder
- a pinch of salt
- lemon juice (optional)
- cooking oil
Cooking Methods :~
- In a large bowl, marinate chicken together with all ingredients (A). Leave it aside for about 2-3 hours ( may also marinate overnight).
- Once marinating time is over, mix together Ingredients (B) in another large bowl..(u may also use a ziplock plastic bag for this).
- Meanwhile, heat oil in a wok. Make sure it's hot enough to fry (not smoky).
- Place marinated chicken pieces in the mixed flour, coat well and deep fry in oil till cooked. (if using ziplock plastic bag, put mixed flour in the bag..then add chicken pieces, zip it and shake well).
- Once cooked, remove chicken from wok, drain excessive oil. Squeeze some lemon juice over the fried chicken (optional).
- Yogurt Fried Chicken is ready to be served!
* the use of paprika and cayenne has been adjusted to my preference...u may add/ less the quantity.