cuti semula.. ayat-ayat unuk mengembirakan hati sendiri.
hehe. chicken manchurian import dari rumah love2cook
dah lama juga.nasib tak basi kan.ina uat resepi ini pun sudah
lama lorrr.my dashboard ada problm x boleh nak post entry
for few days..cuba hari nie alhamdulilah dah ok..

my hubby just love it. hubby suka makan lauk-lauk yang
new2 style.itu yang bini dia duk cuba semua resepi2 dr kawan2
i think sedap nye tue tang pasal kita gireng ayam first with few
bahan.2 yang jadi ranggup n sedapp.rugi kalau tidak mecuba tau!!

darker then love punye kot.hahaha.. mengaku je lah tak pandai kan.
love,thanks for sharing this marvelous recepie n allow me to cnp na..
Ingredients :~
700gm boneless & skinless chicken breasts ( sliced free form)
1 egg ~ beaten
2 tbsp cornstarch
2 tbsp all purpose flour
salt to taste
1/4 tsp coarse blackpepper
little water
(B) for the sauce
4 garlic cloves ~ finely chopped
1 inch ginger ~ finely chopped
1 large onion ~ sliced
1 cup chicken broth (replace dgn 1 kuib chicken)
2 tbsp sweet soy sauce
2 tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp tomato puree ( may sub with tomato ketchup)
2 tbsp chilli ketchup
1.5 tbsp cornstarch
1.5 tbsp water
chopped spring onions/ corriander leaves ~ for garnishing
cooking oil
Method :~
In a bowl, mix ingredients (A) and leave it to marinate for 15 minutes. Deep fry the chicken pieces in oil until golden brown. Drain on paper towel.
Heat up some oil, stir fry garlic, ginger and onion. Add chicken broth, sweet soy sauce, soy sauce, tomato puree and chilli sauce. Cook until sauce boils.
Mix cornstarch with water and add into the sauce. Let it thicken.
Put in the fried chicken pieces. Mix evenly. Garnish with some chopped spring onions or corriander leaves. Ready to serve.
Ingredients :~
700gm boneless & skinless chicken breasts ( sliced free form)
1 egg ~ beaten
2 tbsp cornstarch
2 tbsp all purpose flour
salt to taste
1/4 tsp coarse blackpepper
little water
(B) for the sauce
4 garlic cloves ~ finely chopped
1 inch ginger ~ finely chopped
1 large onion ~ sliced
1 cup chicken broth (replace dgn 1 kuib chicken)
2 tbsp sweet soy sauce
2 tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp tomato puree ( may sub with tomato ketchup)
2 tbsp chilli ketchup
1.5 tbsp cornstarch
1.5 tbsp water
chopped spring onions/ corriander leaves ~ for garnishing
cooking oil
Method :~
In a bowl, mix ingredients (A) and leave it to marinate for 15 minutes. Deep fry the chicken pieces in oil until golden brown. Drain on paper towel.
Heat up some oil, stir fry garlic, ginger and onion. Add chicken broth, sweet soy sauce, soy sauce, tomato puree and chilli sauce. Cook until sauce boils.
Mix cornstarch with water and add into the sauce. Let it thicken.
Put in the fried chicken pieces. Mix evenly. Garnish with some chopped spring onions or corriander leaves. Ready to serve.
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